Ex-FATES WARNING Drummer MARK ZONDER: More Musicians Institute Footage Available

November 11, 2008

More video footage of SLAVIOR/ex-FATES WARNING drummer Mark Zonder's October 27, 2008 clinic at the Musicians Institute in Hollywood, California can be viewed below.

Commented Zonder: "These are demonstrations of three different subjects I was exploring at the clinics. The first one is use of the clave in a heavy rock format. Clip 2 deals with building a groove and clip 3 shows how electronics can be used in today's rock music." He added, "I had a great time doing these clinics and will have more planned in the future."

SLAVIOR's self-titled debut album was released on April 3, 2007 via Inside Out Music. A versatile, melodic hard rock/metal act, SLAVIOR's debut album features elements familiar to Zonder's progressive metal past, but also introduces a wide array influences including reggae, hip-hop, and modern rock.

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